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Technical CV

Programming Skills #

I have always coded alongside my philosophical career, both privately and as a free-lancer, and in this way became a polyglot programmer (having written in Assembly, Python, Lisp, C, C++, Pascal, and Java). I have developed a taste for functional programming (e.g. Clojure). As for declarative programming languages, I know how to use HTML, CSS and XML.

Turing Machine
Turing Machine made out of wood by Richard J. Reidel

Currently, I have installed Arch Linux as my operating system. I’m fluent with Git, Bash scripting, and general Linux system administration tasks.

2024: C++ Programmer #

As of June 2024, I am programming C++ applications, among other things, at astec in Berlin.

2023: Data Science Specialisation #

At 🌶️ Spiced in Berlin, I received advanced training in EDA, Descriptive Statistics, Time Series Analysis, Data Engineering and Machine Learning. My final project was the analysis of handwritten texts using a ViT Image Classifier Model. In this team project, I was particularly responsible for ETL and image preprocessing.

2016 - now: Open Source #

Since 2016, I’m actively contributing to Open Source projects and maintain my own on Github.

1995 - 2007: Freelance programmer #

To finance my academic career, I occasionally worked as a freelance programmer. I contributed to a graph-based data viewer (in Java), built a dynamic website prototype (in PHP) and set up a bookstore sales and inventory management system (using MS Access and quite some Visual Basic). The latter system, which always considered a temporary solution, was in use for more than 6 years.

1991: Technical School Project in Physics #

Some nostalgia here: In 1991, I planned and wrote a Fourier analyser in the venerated programming language Pascal (created by Niklaus Wirth, who just recently died). This project included dealing with the raw input of a signal processing interface.

My first computer #

Commodore VC 20
Courtesy of